Annie's Story
"2018 was an extremely rough year for me. My 16 year-old Chihuahua “Elvis” passed away from kidney disease, my mother died on September 1 after having several strokes, and then shortly after my mother died, my 15 year-old baby girl Chihuahua “Priscilla” passed away in my arms from a heart attack. I told myself “no more dogs, I can’t take the pain of losing them.” I grew up with dogs, and can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a dog in my life. I had been eyeing the December 8/9 Mega Event. Woke up Saturday, December 8 thinking about it. Had a cup of coffee, turned on the TV, and couldn’t get the event out of my mind. So, I “just went to look.” (…Right…) I arrived around 10:15 AM, and much to my disappointment, there weren’t any little dogs left. I was heartbroken, but decided to look at the bigger dogs. I did a lap, and then came upon a lady who had two little ones in her hands, one under each arm. I overheard her say to Meda, HSNT volunteer, “I think they might get along?” and my heart did a little flutter… are both those babies up for adoption, and if so, maybe she won’t take both? At that moment I took a leap of faith, and asked her if she was adopting both. I asked if I could “hover” near her, and if she decided not to take both, I would take the other. She sweetly said, “Oh honey, do you want a dog? I made up my mind, you can have Annie.” I was thrilled beyond words, and blurted out how both of my fur babies had passed away, my mom passed away, and at that moment we all had tears in our eyes! Annie is the sweetest girl! She has brought such joy to my world, and I can’t imagine life without her."