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Charlie's Story

The story of "our" Charlie. 


We have 3 kids-Lawson, Peyton, and Lily. Lawson had been saving his money for over 2 years for a dog. He had begged and pleaded and even wrote a persuasive letter on how it would benefit him and our family to have a dog!!! 


My husband and I finally caved after we both said to each other that we would always regret not getting our kids a dog. This also happened to be the weekend before our oldest son turned 12 so the timing was perfect! He would never suspect a puppy for his birthday. So after we both can to our senses, I started googling shelters, where to find puppies etc... I came across Charlie’s photo from the Humane Society of North Texas and immediately fell in love! I called and asked if he was still available to adopt. They assured me he was but also said he may not be by the end of the day. We did this all on the sly so that our son wouldn’t know a thing! We wanted Charlie to be a surprise so my husband went to the shelter and adopted him and even got some cute video and pics of him playing with Charlie... all of which would be used to make a video telling our kids that Charlie was theirs! 


Unfortunately Charlie was to be fixed that Monday so we didn’t get to pick him up until Wednesday, but after showing them the video on Sunday, we got to go to the shelter and let them play with him.. and oh my goodness what a meeting it was!! They immediately fell in love!!!!! Since that day, Charlie has brought a joy to our home like we never knew. He is so attached to the kids, sleeps with Lawson, every night and craves their attention! He learned quickly to ring a bell we tied to the door to go outside! Potty training him was easier than it was to potty train my kids! It has been so much fun watching him grow up with the kids and I have no doubt so many memories will me made in the years to come. 


Charlie is a perfect fit for our family. Thank you HSNT!!"

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