Rhaya and Robby's Story
I am the lucky mom of two very adorable and loved HSNT Alumni Rhaya Sunshine is my girl, and Robby is my boy.
My oldest, Rhaya, has been such a joy. I truly could not have asked for a more loyal and loving companion. I adopted her from the Saxe-Forte location in 2010. She was heartworm positive but that didn’t stop me from adopting her- and her heartworm treatment was included in her adoption!! She was 5 years old then.. she is now just over 13 and a happy, healthy girl. I first saw her picture on the HSNT website and instantly fell in love with her. She does have arthritis, but who doesn’t at her age. You would never know she is 91 years old in people years! She is a very low maintenance girl (unlike her brother! ha) She loves everyone and is just happy to be near you. She is very nurturing to her brother and watches over him like he is her own son. Don’t let a heartworm diagnosis prevent you from adopting the love of your life!
I adopted Robby in 2016 when Rhaya let me know she was tired of being the only child and wanted a new little brother. I also found him on the HSNT website and once I saw those ears I couldn’t resist. He had a little spot on his nose where all the fur had been rubbed off. They told me it was from him rubbing it on the kennel. I am guessing it was probably in an attempt to catch anyone’s attention to steal some lovin. He craves love and affection and he gets all he can handle from me. He sleeps in my bed most of the time and lays next to me on the couch in the evenings. I have pet cams in my home so that I can check on my babies while I am away. When I look in on them from work I find that Rhaya and Robby are usually not far from each other. They keep each other company while I am away and they truly love each other. I have been so blessed to have them in my life!
Rhaya is truly is a ray of sunshine. I hope that everyone finds a pet as special as she has been at least once in their lifetime. I want to thank HSNT for looking after Rhaya and Robby for me until I found them, and for looking after all the animals in need until they can find their forever homes. You guys do such an amazing job!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!