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Green and Purple Abstract

Squirrel's Story

“I went to the shelter in August to “look around”, but those are famous last words, right?? It ended up that’s I’d gone on one of their free adoption days and I just knew I couldn’t walk away without a cat. I went in looking for a cat that was not a kitten because I knew they often had more trouble getting adopted. I saw a beautiful black cat sitting in his crate, just looking around.

He was 2 years old and when I held him, I looked at my friend who was with me and said: “This is my cat!” He came home with me a few days later, I named him Squirrel, and he has become my number one Floof. Squirrel is great in car rides (even a 15 hour one!); he loves finding new places to perch (like the top of the cabinets); he’s always eager to get in his harness and play outside; he runs to the door when I come home and wags his tail like a puppy; he pushes his face up against the window whenever I’m leaving; and he gets into mischief (like doing laps around the couch or emerging from my closet with a pig headband around his waist). Thank you HSNT for my perfect best friend!!”


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