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Profiles in Companionship
At HSNT, our commitment to providing lifesaving treatment and programs to pets across North Texas extends beyond mere adoption. We strive...

Updates from the Ranch: June Newsletter
Welcome to the Ranch! During May, ASPCA’s Adopt a Horse Month, HSNT placed four equines with wonderful adopters! Our first two adoptions...

HSNT Immediate Funding Need
HSNT’s Behavior team is supported by a dedicated contract behaviorist who works with 40 pets per week at our Hurst Pet Adoption Center....

Behavior Training Program Update: Sensory Garden
If you’ve been to our main shelter location in Fort Worth, you may have seen a colorful new addition – our Behavior Training program’s...

Rae of Hope: Ginger’s Second Chance
We are grateful to all who supported HSNT’s Rae of Hope (ROH) program through our solicitation in February. ROH is a vital resource to...

Lilly & Her Puppies
Lily, a 3-year-old mixed breed was found by an HSNT employee and brought to the shelter for care as she appeared to be days away from...

Atlas’ Story: Tragedy to Triumph
The Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) operates the only large-scale facility in the region dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and...

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