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Blue's Story

Hi! We wanted to share our Blue with y’all. We adopted Blue almost 7 years ago from the Keller HSNT location. Blue & his best friend Lilly (my princess I got from the HSNT Saxe-Forte) were inseparable. We had a child… then we had another one. A loud child, who cried all the time. LOL! On top of that, we found out Lilly had aggressive cancer at 8 years old. We did surgery, and 6 months later it returned and we had to send her to rainbow bridge. Blue was super depressed for a long time and our house was loud. So, he started growling at the kids, which he never did before he lost Lilly. It was so bad we literally went to see the vet. The vet said we should give him up and medicine wouldn’t help. I went home in tears and started researching. We needed to do something! There are no dog trainers in our small town, so we started having the kids give him treats and playing his favorite ball throwing game. We also went back to the vet (a different one), and got him some anxiety medicine. After lots of work and medicine, he is back to enjoying life! He loves playing ball with the kids now! We love him so much. 

Blue's Story



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Animal Resource Center

1840 East Lancaster Ave.

Fort Worth, TX 76103

817.332.HSNT (4768) x106



12 p.m.–5 p.m.

Closed Sunday

Surrender Services by Appointment Only

Call 817.332.HSNT (4768) x112 or email to schedule your appointment.

2309 Chester St.
Fort Worth, TX 76103

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Surgery drop-off between 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Every Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. By appointment only.

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