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Pancha's Story

I saw Pancha's picture on the Keller HSNT website and called immediately. I got the last appointment of the day and when I went to visit her, the amount of love she had in her little body just blew me away. This poor thing just wanted to be held and I knew she was coming home with us permanently — though I did tell a small fib to my partner about it being only a temporary foster (not a foster to adopt program). Worth it haha. I didn't want to scare him off, but as you can see from the photos, I didn't need to worry about that! 

As with all rescues, she took a few weeks to open up and a few months to be her "true self". We were told she was dog aggressive, but she was more fearful of dogs than anything. It's been wonderful watching her confidence grow over the past few months. She's definitely not the scared little dog we brought home. She has many dog friends now and is very popular with our friend group and family — everyone loves Baby Pancha! 

Covid, quarantine, leaves of absence... it's been a weird few months, but we are forever grateful for all of the strangeness because without it we would not have found our Pancha. She has brought us so much happiness these past few months and we couldn't imagine our little family without her in it. Thank you for all your wonderful work HSNT!

Pancha's Story



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Animal Resource Center

1840 East Lancaster Ave.

Fort Worth, TX 76103

817.332.HSNT (4768) x106



12 p.m.–5 p.m.

Closed Sunday

Surrender Services by Appointment Only

Call 817.332.HSNT (4768) x112 or email to schedule your appointment.

2309 Chester St.
Fort Worth, TX 76103

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Surgery drop-off between 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Every Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. By appointment only.

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