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Pita's Story

I adopted a senior dog because she just happened to catch my eye. I had actually been looking for a younger, bigger dog when I found her! Dachshunds have always held a special place in my heart (they are my breed!) and when I saw her on the HSNT website my heart melted! I couldn’t believe someone had abandoned her. I got to thinking about it over the course of a few days and decided to pop in to the Waggin Tails Adoption Center to see if she was still there.. and she was. 


She has been a total doll! She instantly fell in order with my other 2 dachshunds without skipping a beat. Everyone is happy and they all get along. She even gets along with my 2 cats. She loves my Sphynx cat who constantly plays with her. They are constantly chasing each other around with the Sphynx doing acrobatics. 


I would love if more people considered a senior animal. Pita is well mannered, not hyper, loving, house broken, and she even knows a few tricks! Other than her needing a dental cleaning when I adopted her, which I did- she is super active and the best dog ever. 


The cutest thing she does is when she wants to go outside she walks up to me and barks until I acknowledge her. She also talks back sometimes when I talk to her. This sweet girl makes me feel loved. I honestly feel like I’ve owned her all my life. That’s how perfect she fits into my little family! 


Thank you HSNT for saving this senior puppy and giving her a second chance.

Pita's Story



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1840 East Lancaster Ave.

Fort Worth, TX 76103

817.332.HSNT (4768) x106



12 p.m.–5 p.m.

Closed Sunday

Surrender Services by Appointment Only

Call 817.332.HSNT (4768) x112 or email to schedule your appointment.

2309 Chester St.
Fort Worth, TX 76103

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Surgery drop-off between 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Every Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. By appointment only.

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