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The Importance of Spaying and Neutering: HSNT's Role in Population Control


Guest Blog By: Caleb Leonard

Spaying and neutering your pets is crucial for controlling domestic animal populations. That's why the Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) actively promotes and provides these procedures to combat overpopulation.

Stray animals are often a result of unwanted litters. By spaying and neutering, organizations like HSNT help reduce the stray population, improving animals' welfare in the community.

Why is Spaying and Neutering Important?

It's the law: Did you know that owning intact animals is against the law? Even in pet-friendly cities like Dallas, Fort Worth, and the surrounding areas, you could face fines unless you have a breeder’s permit or medical exemption for your pet.

Population control: Spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) help control cat and dog populations. With controlled breeding, we can alleviate overcrowded shelters and prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of healthy animals. 

Health benefits: Did you know that spaying and neutering your pets can prevent health problems? Undergoing the procedure will significantly reduce the risk of uterine infections and certain types of cancer. Neutering can also reduce the risk of testicular cancer, hernias, and prostatic disease. These procedures keep your fur babies healthy and happy for years to come. 

Less roaming: Neutering pets will reduce their urge to roam for a mate. Roaming pets are more likely to fight with other animals, be hit by cars, and become lost.

Reduced aggression and destruction: Spaying and neutering pets can often decrease aggressive behaviors. Pets are less likely to engage in territorial disputes, fight with other animals, and show aggression.

Undergoing this routine procedure can also reduce destructive behavior in pets, such as chewing on furniture and digging in the yard. Even pet-friendly rental properties require your pets to be spayed and neutered.

Less marking: Urine marking is a primal behavior used to establish territory. But if you've ever walked an intact male, you know it gets out of control. Neutering male pets can stop obsessive marking, and female pets will decrease urine marking associated with heat cycles.

Better behavior: Your pet's reproductive inclinations cause restlessness, anxiety, and frustration until they are fulfilled. Once your pets are spayed and neutered, they will become more calm and even-tempered. Additionally, mating behaviors like vocalizations and desires to escape to find a mate will also be curbed.

By eliminating these frustrations, your pet can focus on becoming a member of your family. Since "fixed" pets often exhibit improved social behavior, they are more amicable with other animals and family members.

These behavioral changes contribute to a stronger bond between pets and their owners, fostering a positive and cohesive living environment.

Unwanted litter prevention: What would you do if your pet unexpectedly gave birth? Most people don't have the time, money, or resources to raise a litter. Spaying and neutering eliminate the possibility of an unplanned litter. Avoid the challenges of finding homes for offspring and skip the stress on your pet—and you—by having your pets spayed and neutered.

HSNT's Role in Population Control

The Humane Society of North Texas promotes spaying and neutering for population control initiatives. By offering affordable spay/neuter surgeries, HSNT actively reduces unwanted litters.

Spay and neuter surgeries are available at the HSNT Clinic to North Texas residents. And, residents don’t need proof of residency or income. Prices range between $60 to $80 for dogs and $40 to $50 for cats.

By addressing pet overpopulation, HSNT promotes responsible pet ownership. Plus, they help pets, their owners, and the community through outreach and education.

FAQ About Spaying and Neutering

When should I spay or neuter my pet?

If they weigh at least 2 pounds, kittens and puppies can undergo either procedure at 6-8 weeks.

Early spaying or neutering is optimal. In fact, spaying before 6 months almost entirely prevents breast cancer in female pets. 

How long is the recovery period?

10 to 14 days: It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for pets to feel better, but it can take up to 14 days to fully recover. It is essential to keep your pet calm during this time and not allow them to jump, as this may reopen the incision. The safest way to protect your dog from pain after surgery is to keep them indoors and walk them on a leash. After surgery, allow them a few days of quiet time to heal.

Will my pet feel any pain during the procedure?

No. During surgery, your pet will be placed under general anesthesia, so they won't feel pain

Spaying and neutering your pets is a safe way to reduce the homeless pet population and eliminate reproductive health risks for your furry family members. If you want to expand your family, adopt a pet from the Humane Society of North Texas today! 

HSNT - Pets and People, Saving Each Other®

HSNT’s mission is to act as an advocate on behalf of all animals and to ensure their legal, moral and ethical consideration and protection; to provide for the well-being of animals who are abandoned, injured, neglected, mistreated or otherwise in need; to promote an appreciation of animals; and to instill respect for all living things.



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Little Steve
Little Steve
Dec 23, 2024

Launching the Dinosaur Game will result in an error message if the player disables it using the network administrator option. Lonely T-Rex will see a meteorite crashing across his screen.

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